
Tech Tip: Analytics & Measurement

You may be familiar with the type of content to put on your website or social media, but is your content engaging and attracting the right customers? To know how well you are performing online, it’s important to look at your analytics and measurement tools.

These can include analytics tools within your site (such as Wix or WordPress), Google Analytics, social media insights, or other external tools. They tell you:

• Who is engaging with your content

• What kind of posts attract the most engagement

• Demographics (age, location, etc)

• The busiest day and times

On your website, they can also show:

• Number of unique visitors

• How long visitors stay on pages

• How people get to your site

• What search words people use to get to your site

• What people click on

You don’t need to look at these analytics each day, but reviewing them every once in awhile can help you learn what is working best, and then you can adapt if needed.

Although having an online presence and looking at your analytics is helpful, you don’t always know how people arrive at your page or website. It’s essential to use a variety of marketing tactics in addition to your social media and website, such as flyers, word of mouth, advertisements and sponsorships, press releases, and radio.

At the end of the day, it’s about finding what works best for your business!

This article was published in the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce’s June 2019 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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