
Tech Tip: Photography

Photography is everywhere. Photography is art, a fun hobby, and a business tool, and useful for advertising, entertainment, and personal life. Pictures can communicate many messages through their different uses. As a business, knowing how to take a good picture can greatly aid the messaging and overall look of the media you produce.

An easy tip for good photography is to avoid camera shake or blurry photos. Camera shake happens when the camera user doesn’t stabilize the camera well enough. One of the best ways to ensure that camera shake doesn’t happen is to use a tripod, but since this is not always possible another tip is to make you body stable by holding the camera with arms tucked close to your sides. Keeping the cameral still helps to ensure images are clean and crisp, which further aids in making business photography look professional.

Another way to make your business photography pop is to be mindful of the type of images used and the message they send. Making sure that pictures are in line with the mission of a business is key to the overall brand. One way to do this is by using pictures of real people, places, and things around the business area.

Stock photography can be helpful at times, but taking pictures for your business rather than using stock photos will humanize the images and help draw customers into your business.

We discussed photography at our Tech Talk in July, and we invite you to join us on August 16 when we will discuss “Online Crisis Management.” Tech Talks are on the third Friday of each month from 8-9 a.m. at the Chamber.

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) August 2019 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

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