
Tech Tip: Keyboard Shortcuts

Time is valuable. When you’re working on a project on your computer, there is a way to save time and get work done much more efficiently—keyboard shortcuts.

Rather than using your mouse to choose the task you need to do, such as going to the file menu to click “save” or right clicking when copying and pasting, these simple tricks allow you to keep your hands on the keyboard. With these shortcuts, hit the “Ctrl” button first and keep holding it while you press the letter that comes after it.

At first, we suggest keeping a list of your most used shortcuts right by your computer screen to reference as you need them. It may feel unnatural to use shortcuts, but as you continue practicing, they will become habits. Here are some of our favorites:

Selecting, Copying & Pasting
Ctrl+A select all
Ctrl+C copy
Ctrl+X cut
Ctrl+V paste

Fixing & Refreshing
Ctrl+Z undo
Ctrl+Y redo
Ctrl+R refresh window

Text Formatting
Ctrl+B bold
Ctrl+I italicize
Ctrl+U underline
Shift+Alt+5 strikethrough

Printing & Saving
Ctrl+P print
Ctrl+S save

These are just some of the more common keyboard shortcuts used. Simply search “keyboard shortcuts” on Google for even more ideas of ways to be more efficient when typing.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s May 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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