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Regional Networking Has it’s Benefits

Susan Williams and Kat Thompson recently attended a chamber meeting and networking mega-mixer at Seven Springs Resort. In the afternoon meeting, leaders from Western Pennsylvania shared best practices and tapped into each other’s expertise for advice. They were joined at the mixer by businesses from more than 25 chambers.

So, why travel more than two hours to network with businesses outside our region? Williams shares: “We all do business on a much broader level now and often meet someone that will be helpful to us or one of our members. Kat and I have had several follow up meetings with those we met, who provide services that could be to our benefit. Additionally, this was a great chance to practice our in-person networking skills, which have been a bit rusty over the last couple years.”

The Mega Mixer is anticipated to be held again in January of 2023 and Venango Chamber members will be invited to attend.

Pictured: Susan and Kat, right, at the event in Seven Springs

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s February 2022 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

Venango Chamber Membership Investment Levels

VISIONARY • $5,000 annual investment

Benefits include all advantages of Business, Connector, Promoter, and Builder levels as well as:
• Annual on-site staff visit with article or video
• Recognition at all major Chamber events and newsletters
• Leadership Venango sponsorship and full scholarship
Be Here Event & Trainings sponsorship
• Visionary Marketing Package (see separate page)
• Permanent logo on homepage
• Four FLEX memberships
• Two tickets to annual Steak Fry
• Dinner Sponsorship of Annual Dinner
• Additional business listings (up to 3), multiple locations or categories

Marketing Package Benefits:
• Logo on homepage at and in every VenangoWorks! Newsletter
• Business Spotlight posted on blog and social media
• Enhanced online business directory listing
• Banner ad on business directory page at – 6 months
• Logo in emails to Chamber members – 6 months
• Full page ad in Annual Membership Directory

BUILDER • $2,500 annual investment

Benefits include all advantages of Business, Promoter, and Connector levels as well as :
• Leadership Venango sponsorship and one half scholarship
• 2 Reserved seats at Be Here Event & Trainings
• Builder Marketing Package (see separate page)
• Two FLEX memberships
• Reception Sponsorship for Annual Dinner
• One ticket to annual Steak Fry
• Additional business listing

Marketing Package Benefits:
• Enhanced online business directory listing
• Business Spotlight posted on blog and social media
• Banner ad on business directory page at – 4 months
• Logo in emails to Chamber members – 4 months
• Half page ad in Annual Membership Directory

CONNECTOR • $1,200 annual investment

Benefits include all advantages of Business and Promoter levels as well as:
• Leadership Venango sponsorship and one half scholarship
• 2 Reserved seats at Be Here Event & Trainings
• Builder Marketing Package
• Two FLEX memberships
• Three additional location or category listings

Marketing Package Benefits:
• Enhanced online business directory listing
• Business Spotlight posted on blog and social media
• Banner ad on business directory page at – 3 months
• Logo in emails to Chamber members – 3 months
• Quarter page ad in Annual Membership Directory

PROMOTER • $550 annual investment

Benefits include all advantages of the Business level as well as:
• Promotor Marketing Package
• Enhanced online directory listing
• Second location or category listing
• Spreadsheet of membership database upon request

Marketing Package Benefits:
• Enhanced online business directory listing
• Business Spotlight posted on blog and social media
• Banner ad on business directory page at – 1 month
• Logo in emails to Chamber members – 1 month
• Patron listing in Annual Membership Directory

BUSINESS • $250 annual investment

Our base level membership. Benefits include:
• Listing on online Business Directory at
• Two listings in the annual printed Membership Directory
• Printed copy of Membership Directory
• Subscription to VenangoWorks! monthly newsletter
• Opportunity to submit news in VenangoWorks! monthly newsletter
• Use of our bulk mailing permit
• Access to the “Members Only” section of the Chamber’s website
• Business referrals & connections
• Opportunity to host a ribbon cutting ceremony/grand opening event
• Opportunity to host a Chamber Mixer
• Proud member window decal
• Access to ChamberChoice Insurance and energy savings programs
• New member announcement, one free insert, and spotlight in newsletter
• Opportunity to advertise in monthly newsletter, Membership Directory, festival publications, and county map
• Invitation to attend networking events such as mixers and Annual Member Steak Fry
• Opportunity to serve on a Chamber committee, such as Advocacy, Education, and Leadership
• All employees invited to be active within the Chamber
• Sponsorship opportunities of Chamber events such as the Golf Outing, festivals, Be Here, and FLEX Presents
• Eligibility for Business or Partner in Business of the Year
• Benefit from a unified voice for advocating legislation at local, state and federal levels
• Meet and network with elected officials during legislative receptions and visits
• Access to FLEX, Venango County’s young professionals, for you and your employees

View our Membership Brochure by clicking here.

View our Marketing Package Benefits by clicking here.

Contact us for more information:
Susan Williams, President/CEO
(814) 676-8521

Tech Tip: Mobile Hotspots

Whether you’re working remotely, catching up on the news, or chatting with friends over social media, internet connection is essential and sometimes hard to get. One way to access the internet when out and about is through a mobile hotspot.

What is a mobile hotspot?
A mobile hotspot is a device that is able to create a wireless signal for other devices. It works by taking a connection and turning it into a wi-fi signal.

Why use a mobile hotspot?
Rather than trying to find wi-fi at a hotel, coffee shop, or restaurant, a mobile hotspot fits in your pocket and can be used wherever you go—traveling, at the park or beach, on your commute, and more. You can connect most devices to it, like phones, laptops, tablets, or game consoles, and hotspots typically have a long battery life.

Hotspots have come in handy for us at the Chamber when hosting events. If we have a mixer or presentation at a location without internet, we can set up a hotspot to play our music or livestream the event.

Can your phone be a hotspot?
Most smartphones have the capability to turn into a hotspot for other devices. For example, you can use the data from your phone to provide wi-fi for your laptop. Each phone is different and we suggest searching online on how to set yours up. If you don’t see the option on your phone, you most likely need to contact your carrier to add it to your phone plan.

Where else can I find a hotspot?
Mobile hotspots are also available to purchase as a separate device from carriers, like Verizon or T-Mobile, or other technology stores. Typically, it includes a monthly plan, just like data for your phone.

The Oil Region Library Association (ORLA) also has hotspots for rent at all three locations (Oil City, Franklin, and Cooperstown) for $1/day or $5/week. They are 4G LTE capable and will hold a mobile data connection anywhere a cell data connection is possible. Patrons should call their local ORLA branch to reserve one.

Mobile hotspots can help you be connected, no matter where you are.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s September 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

Professional Development Tip: Keep On Learning

By Natalie Cubbon, Projects Coordinator for Oil Region Library Association

When you’re consumed with work, it can be challenging to find the time to keep learning new things throughout your career. Sometimes it may not seem practical, but continuing to grow your skill set is incredibly important and can be introduced to your routine more easily than you might think!

“Why adapt? We’ve always done it this way.”
The recent global pandemic has taught us that circumstances can change very rapidly. Many businesses and organizations have been forced to adapt to these changes, introducing new modes of outreach and service delivery. When we adapt to changes, we often learn new things. We learn what works for our community and what doesn’t. Staying stagnant in your practices can be a dangerous cycle that leads to being very close-minded. Creating new practices can open up opportunities for real growth.

Podcasts & Books
Listening to podcasts are a great way to learn new things without feeling overwhelmed. If you struggle with putting time aside to introduce yourself to new skills, techniques, and points of view, popping in some earbuds while you work is an almost effortless way to keep learning. Audiobooks are just as easy to multitask with, as they’re available on your mobile device (and provided for free through your local library!).

Going to community events, mixers, and workshops can be great opportunities to network with other professionals and businesses. Networking often leads to making connections locally and provides space for thoughtful conversation. Much of my continued learning comes from attending workshops and events at the Chamber, like Tech Talks!

Try Something You Think You May Fail At
Whether it’s public speaking, creating a flyer, or giving a presentation, you’ll never know whether you’re going to be successful doing something until you try it!

If you’re not the creative type, try to create something for your business or organization using a free, online designing platform like Canva. Canva allows you to create personalized and professional quality materials in a variety of formats, and even provides easy templates and tutorials for beginners! If you like to fade into the background, try putting yourself out there more. Film a video of yourself for your business or organization’s social media platforms in order to promote or inform your audience about services. You’ll learn more about yourself, as well as your audience when you take risks!

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) August 2021 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

Save the Date: Chamber Summer Events

With cautious optimism, we are beginning to schedule summer events, beginning with the Golf Scramble. Scheduled for June 24, at Wanango Country Club, we’ll begin with a business Trade Show and an 11 a.m. shotgun start. Registration will be open for teams and trade show participants, online:

Plans have begun for the 43rd annual Oil Heritage Festival. While we will be unlikely to return to pre-pandemic level of activities, we are hopeful to include more outdoor concerts and events. If you or your organization is interested in including an event or volunteering, contact Tessa at or call 814-676-8521.

We will also consider requests to schedule After Hour Mixers, as of July 1, having already received a few inquiries. We will require compliance with CDC guidelines at the time of the event.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s April 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.