
Zing Tip: Bring Your Best Self to Work

The energy you bring to work can greatly impact not just yourself, but everyone around you. Ari Weinzweig, founding partner of Zingerman’s, describes positive energy as: “Fun, inspiring, exhilarating, and enjoyable.”

He also added: “It contributes positively to pretty much everything and puts nearly everyone who comes into contact with it in a good mood. People feel safe in its presence, which means that their natural abilities, normally held back for fear of failure, start to emerge.”

Three types of energy are physical, emotional/mental, and vibrational, and Zingerman’s “Energy Recipe” is:

  1. Read It
  2. Vision It
  3. Manage It
  4. Repeat

There are many tools to help manage your energy—mindfulness, exercise, flexible scheduling, coffee, taking breaks, fresh air, music, getting enough sleep, and drinking water to name a few.

We all have the power to affect our work environment, and it’s up to each of us to own our energy. Find energy management resources and more at

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s June 2020 VenangoWorks! Newsletter

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