
Storytelling—Why Should You Care?

Storytelling—what is it and why should you care? One thing is certain, the Venango Chamber is not the only one interested in doing it. Do  a Google search of “story telling for business” and you’ll find pages of links, books, and videos, explaining how to use stories to connect with your customers.

Any of these resources are great tools, but we believe an even better way to get started is to have a conversation with someone you trust, who will help you reflect on your real story.

Businesses are recognizing the importance of storytelling in leadership and management. At a time when employees desire a sense of purpose, the story a business tells—where it’s been, where it is going, what its challenges are—is not only a way to communicate facts, but an opportunity to engage and empower employees.

We’d love the opportunity to be that someone you trust. The worst-case scenario would be to have spent 30 minutes with your Chamber staff and find out you simply have no story to tell (very unlikely).

The best case is that we help you find your story, in a way that will excite you, your co-workers, and your customers.

The bonus is that we’ll gift you the opportunity to work one-on-one with an experienced storyteller, who will help you document your story using video, photos, or the written word.

It’s easy to get started, by scheduling a time to meet with us, in person or virtually. Before we meet, we’ll ask you to watch a short video of the Simon Sinek TED Talk “How Great Leaders Inspire” and consider a few questions, to get you thinking.

Vaibhav Bawa, owner of both True Wellness & Healing and Divani Chocolatier in Foxburg, went through our storytelling process and shared:

“The storytelling initiative set the tone to delve deep into my psyche and dig out the reason why I do what I do and, most importantly, why anyone should do business with me.”

– Vaibhav Bawa, True Wellness & Healing

We hope you’ll join us, as we put forth the best effort to end 2020 better connected to each other.

Learn more about this initiative and meet our storytellers by visiting

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