
Creating a Culture of Great Service

You know the feeling—you walk into a business and are immediately acknowledged with a greeting and a smile. You feel welcomed, but not pressured, and you sense that the people working care about what they do, and they care about you.

It’s hard not to want to support this business—with a purchase, a referral, or at least a return of hospitality.  What if every business in our community operated like this? It would be transforming!

Judy Grandelis, owner of Amazing Foods in Franklin, agrees.  Judy describes the first time she visited Zingerman’s Delicatessen in Ann Arbor, Michigan: “There was something magical about it. Their customer service was extraordinary, and that same quality was pervasive throughout the business.”

Anyone who has visited Amazing Foods would undoubtedly report that Judy’s business has a similar reputation.  The staff at Amazing Foods are quick to greet you, ushering you into an inviting dining space and serving you carefully and creatively prepared meals.  You will likely get a glimpse of Judy, working side-by-side with employees, always with a smile and demeanor that makes everyone feel like a friend.

So, why would Judy be so excited about ZingTrain, one of Zingerman’s community of businesses, coming to Venango County? As Judy tells it: “I am always looking to learn more about business and customer service, for my own personal growth and for my business.”  And she was among the first to reserve her seat for our November 6th workshop.

ZingTrain shares the “Zingerman’s experience” with forward-thinking organizations from around the world. Managing partner Maggie Bayless and her staff use their experience in training and organizational change to help clients understand and apply the real-life systems, tools, and techniques used at Zingerman’s, helping clients make meaningful, bottom-line-enhancing changes in their own organizations. ZingTrain shares Zingerman’s expertise in training, service, merchandising, specialty foods, open book finance and staff management with the public through seminars and customized workshops.

We invite you to join us on November 6, in a one-day workshop with ZingTrain focused on “Creating a Vision of Greatness” and “The Art of Giving Great Service.” See details below.

One-Day Workshop with ZingTrain

Wednesday, November 6  •  7:30AM – 4PM • Wanango Golf Club, Reno
Chamber Members $25, Non-members $35
Registration required. Limited to 50 attendees.

Register at:

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s October 2019 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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