
What is Leadership?

The term “leadership” is often thrown around in the professional world. A stereotypical leader may be described as someone in a company who is higher up, manages big groups of people, and exemplifies traits such as confidence, assertiveness, and influence.

While it’s important to have great leaders in these positions– leadership is all around us in many different ways. You may not consider yourself a leader, but think about your everyday interactions with people.

Leadership does not have to be from a boss to an employee. You could be a leader in your friend group, helping plan get-togethers and supporting others. You could be a leader in your office, assisting coworkers and providing encouragement. You could be a leader in your family, whether you are raising children or helping elderly parents/grandparents.

Leaders are also found in volunteer groups, committees, boards of directors, classrooms, and so many other places in the community. A good leader is able to bring out the best in people and motivate them to achieve a goal.

So, how are you a leader, and how can you continue to grow? One opportunity through FLEX is by becoming a committee member or officer. As we approach the end of the year, we will be seeking people to take leadership positions within the group. FLEX provides a low-stakes environment to practice leadership skills and learn new things, like how to lead a meeting, plan an event, or put together a newsletter. Interested in exploring leadership in FLEX? Reach out to us at

Another way to grow in your leadership journey is Leadership Venango, run by the Venango Chamber. This program is held one day a month for nine months and each month is focused on a different topic to help educate and motivate individuals (of any age) to be more effective leaders.

Topics range from agriculture and tourism, to communications and education, and the class meets at various locations throughout Venango County, like the courthouse, hospital, a school, a manufacturing plant, and a farm.

The next class of Leadership Venango begins meeting this month, but it’s not too late to sign up! Learn more at and contact the Chamber at (814) 676- 8521 with any questions.

Everyone is a leader, and we hope to help you as you continue in your leadership journey.

Pictured: Leadership Venango Class of 2022 at Komatsu Mining Corp.

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) September 2022 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

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