Venango Chamber Membership Investment Levels

VISIONARY • $5,000 annual investment

Benefits include all advantages of Business, Connector, Promoter, and Builder levels as well as:
• Annual on-site staff visit with article or video
• Recognition at all major Chamber events and newsletters
• Leadership Venango sponsorship and full scholarship
Be Here Event & Trainings sponsorship
• Visionary Marketing Package (see separate page)
• Permanent logo on homepage
• Four FLEX memberships
• Two tickets to annual Steak Fry
• Dinner Sponsorship of Annual Dinner
• Additional business listings (up to 3), multiple locations or categories

Marketing Package Benefits:
• Logo on homepage at and in every VenangoWorks! Newsletter
• Business Spotlight posted on blog and social media
• Enhanced online business directory listing
• Banner ad on business directory page at – 6 months
• Logo in emails to Chamber members – 6 months
• Full page ad in Annual Membership Directory

BUILDER • $2,500 annual investment

Benefits include all advantages of Business, Promoter, and Connector levels as well as :
• Leadership Venango sponsorship and one half scholarship
• 2 Reserved seats at Be Here Event & Trainings
• Builder Marketing Package (see separate page)
• Two FLEX memberships
• Reception Sponsorship for Annual Dinner
• One ticket to annual Steak Fry
• Additional business listing

Marketing Package Benefits:
• Enhanced online business directory listing
• Business Spotlight posted on blog and social media
• Banner ad on business directory page at – 4 months
• Logo in emails to Chamber members – 4 months
• Half page ad in Annual Membership Directory

CONNECTOR • $1,200 annual investment

Benefits include all advantages of Business and Promoter levels as well as:
• Leadership Venango sponsorship and one half scholarship
• 2 Reserved seats at Be Here Event & Trainings
• Builder Marketing Package
• Two FLEX memberships
• Three additional location or category listings

Marketing Package Benefits:
• Enhanced online business directory listing
• Business Spotlight posted on blog and social media
• Banner ad on business directory page at – 3 months
• Logo in emails to Chamber members – 3 months
• Quarter page ad in Annual Membership Directory

PROMOTER • $550 annual investment

Benefits include all advantages of the Business level as well as:
• Promotor Marketing Package
• Enhanced online directory listing
• Second location or category listing
• Spreadsheet of membership database upon request

Marketing Package Benefits:
• Enhanced online business directory listing
• Business Spotlight posted on blog and social media
• Banner ad on business directory page at – 1 month
• Logo in emails to Chamber members – 1 month
• Patron listing in Annual Membership Directory

BUSINESS • $250 annual investment

Our base level membership. Benefits include:
• Listing on online Business Directory at
• Two listings in the annual printed Membership Directory
• Printed copy of Membership Directory
• Subscription to VenangoWorks! monthly newsletter
• Opportunity to submit news in VenangoWorks! monthly newsletter
• Use of our bulk mailing permit
• Access to the “Members Only” section of the Chamber’s website
• Business referrals & connections
• Opportunity to host a ribbon cutting ceremony/grand opening event
• Opportunity to host a Chamber Mixer
• Proud member window decal
• Access to ChamberChoice Insurance and energy savings programs
• New member announcement, one free insert, and spotlight in newsletter
• Opportunity to advertise in monthly newsletter, Membership Directory, festival publications, and county map
• Invitation to attend networking events such as mixers and Annual Member Steak Fry
• Opportunity to serve on a Chamber committee, such as Advocacy, Education, and Leadership
• All employees invited to be active within the Chamber
• Sponsorship opportunities of Chamber events such as the Golf Outing, festivals, Be Here, and FLEX Presents
• Eligibility for Business or Partner in Business of the Year
• Benefit from a unified voice for advocating legislation at local, state and federal levels
• Meet and network with elected officials during legislative receptions and visits
• Access to FLEX, Venango County’s young professionals, for you and your employees

View our Membership Brochure by clicking here.

View our Marketing Package Benefits by clicking here.

Contact us for more information:
Susan Williams, President/CEO
(814) 676-8521