
Technically Speaking

2009 has definitely been the year of technology for the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce, beginning with the new website launch in March, a new email service in April and our venture into the world of social media. While many of our members have embraced these new tools for doing business, others remain skeptical as to the real benefits of the “online” world.  I think it is important to note that here at the chamber we still believe that nothing replaces the value of face to face interaction with chamber and community members. That’s why you’ve continued to see the same tried and true publications and events from the past. We will continue to make the newsletter available in hard copy and invite members to attend mixers, lunches and other member gatherings.

Why such an investment in technology? Because this continues to be a terrific way to engage many of our members, expand our network and increase our efficiency. And most importantly we are passing everything we learn onto our members. In 2010 we will continue to enhance our website, with the addition of e commerce and feature to further promote our members. The Brown Bag lunch series will continue with the broader theme of technology. The first one of the year, Wednesday, January 20th will a presentation about the new Windows 7.

Through the Microsoft® Community Connections program, our technology partner CS Technologies Plus will present a 45-60 minute program how Windows 7 can help leaders and organizations enhance their business relationships.  Depending on the level of interest, additional sessions may be added in the morning and afternoon. So mark your calendar and watch for more information in the January Business Connector.

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