Search Results for: FLEX

Everyday Leadership

Our TED Talk recommendation this month is by Drew Dudley, whom encourages a change in our understanding of leadership. He tells the story of the impact he had on girl in college. Simply by making the girl and those around her laugh on her first day of college, he became an important person in the girl’s life story. Drew says: “to think that maybe the biggest impact I’d ever had on anyone’s life . . . was a moment that I didn’t even remember.”

Though the moment did not seem significant to Drew at the time, it guided the girl’s decision to stay in college and introduced her to the man she would later marry.

“As long as we make leadership something bigger than us, as long as we keep leadership beyond us and make it about changing the world,” said Drew, “we give ourselves an excuse not to expect it every day, from ourselves and from each other.”

Find this TED Talk at

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) June 2019 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

June 2019 Young Professional Profile: Eric Thompson

Eric Thompson recently became a Venango County community member! Eric grew up in wine country in North East, PA, but he became the new General Manager at Wanango Country Club in March, bringing him to this area.

Eric earned his degree from Edinboro University in Comprehensive Business Administration. His two greatest achievements are his wonderful children, Carter (age 7) and Peyton (age 4). Also, finding happiness and being successful in a career that he truly loves and enjoys working in.

Eric’s short term goal is to finish his Class A golf professional certification for his PGA membership. His long term goal is to attain a Master Professional Designation with a focus in golf operations/club management, which less than half a percent of PGA members achieve.

Eric is new to Venango County, but is looking forward to getting to know all there is to do here. He enjoys going on the bike trail with his wife, Deb. Eric also enjoys spending time with his family, including taking them to their family cabin in Allegheny National Forest. Some of his hobbies include hunting, fishing, and golfing.

Eric loves learning about the rich history of Wanago and Venango County. He finds it very inviting and welcoming, and stated that “the people here are very nice and down to earth.” Eric also noted that there are so many Steelers fans here which is a great change from when he worked as a golf professional in New England with many Patriot fans.

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) June 2019 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

Venango Chamber Special Edition – The Derrick & The News-Herald

The Venango Chamber’s special edition published by The Derrick & The News-Herald came out at the end of May. This publication includes information about our:

  • Mission, objectives, board of directors, and staff
  • Advocacy, education, and leadership efforts
  • Be Here initiative
  • FLEX young professionals group
  • Festivals and events
  • Citizen, business, partner in business, and volunteer of the year
  • Community calendar and monthly newsletter

You can find this edition in the “Special Sections” of The Derrick’s website at or stop by our office at 24 Seneca Street in Oil City for a paper copy.

The Importance of Relationship Building

By Casey McVay

Relationships are one of the most important aspects of living a good life. Yet, often times, we don’t value the conversations we have or pay close enough attention to those around us. What I have learned in my young life is relationships help us when we reach the proverbial fork in the road.

When we face challenges or opportunities, our relationships, our network and connections, personal and professional, guide us to choose which path to take. We shouldn’t always make decisions independently, so when we need help seeing what is best for us, we can rely on those closest to us.

Many important aspects of networking help build these connections and relationships, such as having a smart conversation starter or your “elevator speech,” which I remind you should not be boring like elevator music or so rehearsed that it feels forced. However, the simplest of tips are the essential ones, too: Be yourself, be open, inquire, and be generous.

  • Be yourself. What’s not to like? You’re awesome. Don’t sweat trying to be anything but who you are and people will appreciate your authenticity.
  • Be open. Not an open book, but open. When we are “all about business,” we tend to come across cold, so shake it off, and don’t fear revealing something somewhat personal – it lets the other person know you’re real.
  • Inquire. Don’t forget “it takes two” in a relationship. Here are some great, easy to remember questions to ask: How do you like working at your company? How’d you get into that? Have any tips for _____?
  • Be generous. Once you have made a first connection, the best way to keep it going is to be a resource for the other person. No need to overdo it here, though, but providing something interesting or helpful to them, a referral or link to information, can make the difference in building a stronger relationship. 

Little, simple things like these can add up to big, amazing long-lasting and reliable relationships, and living a really good life with great people around you.

Photos from the FLEX Annual Meeting in October, taken by Chett DeLong

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) June 2019 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.