

Venango Technology Center

On Wednesday, February 9th, the Venango Technology Center (VTC) launched a certification program that prepares and certifies individuals for career pathways in advanced manufacturing. The Certified Production Technician (CPT) program is now available for VTC students. The program will consist of both online learning and hands on training at VTC. 

Local manufacturers have been collaborating with VTC to launch this program to help equip students for successful manufacturing careers. Representatives from Webco, Electralloy, and UFP Industries spoke to students, sharing opportunities at each of their companies. Bob Moore, Cooperative Education Coordinator at VTC also spoke about why it’s important for students to build skills and complete certifications like CPT for future employment.

For more information, contact Melissa Sharp, Coordinator of Adult Education & Apprenticeships at or 814-677-3097, x1310. 

Pictured above: Duane Laskey shares about careers at Electralloy. 
Pictured below: Bobbie Jones and Dean Davis from Webco play “Family Feud” with students and pass out prizes. Ryan Bell (right) talks about opportunities for growth at Webco while Bob Moore (left) from VTC listens in.

Additional Opportunities and News:

Summer Programs
Below are two summer programs offered through the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC): 
– Appalachian Entrepreneurship Academy (AEA)
– Appalachian STEM Academy
The deadline to apply is March 4th

PHEAA Update
In January, the PA Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) released an update including information about FAFSA, PA Forward Student Loans, and resources to help students.

Summer Internships: Start Looking Now

Summer seems so very far away, especially as we are spending our days shoveling snow. It will be here sooner than we can imagine, though! Among our favorite things at the Chamber (and we have a lot of favorite things) is welcoming our current intern, Lexi Henry, back for the summer.

Employers: As college students are starting to secure summer internships, now is the time to consider if you can pay an intern or if you will want to explore various funding opportunities. Let us know if we can be helpful to you in planning for an intern this year!

Educators: If you know of students looking to secure internships, please pass along these opportunities as appropriate or connect them to the Chamber. 

This article was published in the VenangoREADY February 2022 Email.

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