
MEET YOUR LOCAL LEADERS: Megan Weber, Clintonville Mayor

Megan Weber was recently elected as the Mayor of Clintonville. We spoke with Megan to learn more about her and her position and path to leadership.

What was your path to the position you now hold?
My dad was a councilman in Clintonville for years, so I grew up with a good understanding of how our local government works, and with a great example of what a good volunteer is from my parents and grandma. I also have a minor in political science from Grove City College.

What are the key responsibilities of your position?
I oversee the monthly borough council meetings and can vote in the event of a tie. I sign contracts and resolutions that apply to the borough, and I oversee our local police. I always strive to represent our area of the county well by being an ambitious, proactive ambassador of the community.

What do you enjoy about the work?
I love giving back to the community I grew up in. I also love giving the local community more of a voice and awareness of what happens within our borough. I also try to visit our local businesses often not only to support them financially but also to see what concerns or ideas they may have.

How could others be helpful to you?
Making new connections has been extremely helpful. I appreciate the introductions people have made between myself and various organizations and individuals throughout the county and Northwestern PA.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s April 2022 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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