
Healthy Start Series: Strategies For Health by Cranberry Wellness Center

Written by Calvin Bickel, Cranberry Wellness Center

As the beginning of a new year starts, we make resolutions about what we want to change or do during that time. One resolution that a number of people make is to lose weight or be healthier. So often we start but never finish, chalking it up as “Oh well, next year or maybe later.” To really be healthy it takes a lifestyle change. If you aways do what you’ve aways done, you will aways have the same results. It really takes a change of mind. You are the one who must make the decision, no one else can do it for you.

Some say, “What will my friends say?” It is your health your body, your mind. You can start taking care of it now before something goes wrong. At Cranberry Wellness Center, we like to use the eight laws of Biblical Health put together from Weimar Institute. No matter how many fad diets there are that people try, most usually fail and the weight comes back on. It aways comes back to these basic principles: The guidelines are called the NEWSTART program.

N = Nutrition: What to eat, How often, When, How to eat, and How much.
E = Exercise: Action is the law of our being! Outdoor exercise is great.
W = Water: Drinking the right amount every day. Not drinking with meals.
S = Sunshine: It promotes healing wounds, Helps moods, and more.
T = Temperance: Total abstinence from things that are harmful.
A = Air: All homes should have fresh air and deep breathing for our lungs.
R = Rest: Regular sleep times. 6-8 hours a night.
T = Trust in God: Trusting God for all things including His health laws.

These are all changes we can make in our lives.

For more information, contact us at Cranberry Wellness Center (814) 677-9140.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s January 2024 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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