
Healthy Start Series: Spring Seasonal Eating

Written by Ashley Sheffer, Owner of Core Goods

The short, gloomy days of winter will soon transition to a sunny and green spring, bringing opportunities to fill your plate with fresh, local food. Here are some ways to focus on your health this season:

Eat local & seasonal foods: We were meant to eat with the seasons. It’s not natural to eat a tomato in the middle of winter that was shipped from thousands of miles away. Eating fruits and vegetables in general is important, so if that’s your only option, then that’s great! But if you are able to eat food from local farms grown just days before it’s on your plate, even better. With the arrival of spring, comes lettuce, spinach, kale, herbs, snap peas, radishes, and asparagus.

Focus on adding: So much of diet culture is about restricting foods, but how about simply trying to add more? Look at your meal and ask yourself – where can I add some colorful, fresh vegetables? Mix chopped spinach into a pasta sauce, top your avocado toast with fresh herbs, have a side salad with your grilled cheese, or roast radishes along with your potatoes. Get creative!

Preserve your food: Produce season is the perfect time to preserve fresh fruits and veggies to enjoy all throughout the year. Take a little extra time to can or freeze, so you can eat local food even in the winter. You can preserve whole vegetables to add to meals, like beans, corn, or tomatoes, or make them into sauces, pesto, or salsa. There are a ton of resources online to get you started.

Practice self-care: While what you eat is important, health is so much more than that. Your physical and mental health are vastly connected. You can eat all the kale you want, but if you’re stressed or burnt out, how much is it helping? Take a break, get outside for a walk, practice meditation, read a book, get a massage, spend time with a loved one, or write in a gratitude journal. Food is important, but so is your overall well-being.

Here’s to having a healthy spring, full of fresh, local food, and lots of sunshine!

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s March 2024 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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