
Getting Started on a Board of Directors

by Susan Williams, President/CEO

Serving on a board of directors is an important responsibility that requires commitment and dedication. Board members have the task of making sure the organization makes sound decisions in line with their mission and objectives. This includes setting goals, overseeing investments, and providing advice on strategy and policy.

Board members also serve as a link between the organization and its stakeholders, ensuring that their interests are being represented. They must remain knowledgeable about industry trends and keep up with the changing environment.

Perhaps you’ve been invited to serve on a board or you may be exploring how you can serve in volunteer leadership. Either way, a first step should be meeting with the organization you are interested in serving with, to explore the following.

• Mission – do you understand the mission of the organization and is it one you can wholeheartedly support?

• Meetings – How often and when does the board meet? How long do meetings last? Can you commit to attending on a regular basis?

• Finances – What is the current financial standing of the organization? Do they have the resources, including staff, to carry out the mission?

• Expectations – What is the role of a board member, in governance, fundraising, volunteering? Is it clearly communicated?

• Protections – Does the organization have thorough policies and procedures, adequate insurance and meet all legal requirements for operations? Specifically, is Directors and Officers Insurance up to date, providing you individual protection, in the event there is legal action against the organization?

Stay tuned – in the following months, we will continue to share articles about board leadership.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s July 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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