
Gearing Up for the Holiday Season

Fall is in full swing which means the holiday season is also approaching. This time of year can be fun and exciting—spending time with family and friends, attending parties, practicing annual traditions, enjoying great food and games, and more—but it can also bring stress when it comes to balancing work and your personal life.

So, how can you keep up with everything as we get into this busy season, and finish the year strong? Some FLEX members have ideas:

Set Boundaries
“It’s important to set boundaries for yourself and with others. Make it clear when you are available and when you won’t be,” said Devin Zagar. “Also allow for spontaneity. Life is about so much more than work. Set that project down and do something out of the blue–call a friend and get together, take your significant other on a date, etc.”

Create A To-Do List & Prioritize
Tessa Byham told us: “At work, I first get everything I need to do out of my brain and onto paper, then I prioritize that list and decide what I can reasonably accomplish. I also try to start working on year-end projects now, so I’m not cramming everything in the last few weeks of the year.”

Use the Weekend to Reset & Prep
“I utilize the weekend to reset,” Laura Ordaz said. “I take time on weekends to do laundry, clean the house, prep food (whether that’s meal prepping or just prepping veggies for meals), review the week’s schedule so I know what meetings and other obligations are coming up, and plan my exercise routine.”

Plan A Budget
“With so much planning for the holiday season, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and experience burnout between work and family,” Amariliz Sanchez added. “To avoid this and actually focus on sharing these beautiful moments with our loved ones, I like to plan ahead with three specific budgets for each holiday: gifts, decorations and holiday menus. Sticking to the budget will allow me to work with what I have and make the most of these special moments.”

Make Time For Loved Ones
Kyle Peasley agrees that family should be a focus. “I try to make time to visit family, especially over the holidays. My mother and sister don’t live in Pennsylvania and it’s hard to visit often with my work schedule, so the holidays are particularly important for us.”

Finding a balance between work and personal life can be a challenge. This season, we hope you can find ways to complete your work, while also getting into the holiday spirit and making time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends.

Photo above from last year’s FLEX Ugly Holiday Sweater Party.

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) October 2022 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

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