
FLEX: Not Just About Socializing

FLEX Your Goals LogoWhile FLEX enjoys having a good time, our goal is to do much more than that. As future leaders and entrepreneurs, we recognize we need to assist young professionals in gaining skills that will help throughout their careers. We are working to be the best professionals we can, to move our region forward.

Because of that, we introduced FLEX Your Goals last year, a program focused on working to reach both personal and professional goals. Through this program, we use an app called Goalify where we set goals and encourage one another, and hosted a book club, where we read The Compound Effect and held discussions.

Coming up, we will host two more events—a speaker series and another book club—focused on leadership development, as well as personal and professional growth (see details on back).

In addition to FLEX Your Goals, we are constantly planning our own events, which brings us experience in team work, budgeting, communication, and more.  We also coordinate volunteer outings, like at the Shepherd’s Green Food Pantry pictured below, bringing opportunities to help out our own community.

Sure, we host happy hours, beer tastings, ski trips, and pottery nights—but FLEX is more than just a social opportunity. We invite you to get involved for leadership development, professional growth, networking opportunities, and so much more, because WE are the future of the Venango Area.

This article was published in the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce’s June 2018 edition of the VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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