
Business Tip of the Month: Transitioning Employee Roles

By Heather Hondel, Marketing Assistant

Transitioning roles in the workplace is inevitable, and here at the Chamber we have recently had first-hand experience with this process. It is so important to both help those leaving feel supported and appreciated and help new employees feel welcomed and set up for success in their role.

Below are some tips that may help you smoothly transition employees in your workplace:

Be Present: Don’t check out too early either as the person moving on or those staying. It can be easy for the person leaving to shift their mindset to the journey ahead, and it can be just as easy for those staying to shift focus to those who will remain. By choosing to remain present, employees can make an impact right up to the finish line.

Define a Timeframe: Be sure to set a clear timeframe for departure. Consider how long an employee can stay while remaining actively busy. Choose a time that won’t leave the employer in a tight spot, but also be sure not to stay so long that there is nothing left to do.

Create Opportunity: Take advantage of the transition period to create opportunities for those starting out. Choose to set up the new employee for success.

Address Loose Ends: Consider meeting before leaving to discuss any work being passed on to the incoming employee. Talk about anything that may be helpful information to set up the next person for success and ensure the one leaving is able to do so with a clear mind.

Take Little Steps: Consider the little steps of the transition. Don’t only think about the overarching decision to leave but consider all the little steps and decisions that build up to that moment and how to make the most out of each.

Check out the podcast Coaching for Leaders Episode 555: How to Nail a Job Transition, with Sukhinder Singh Cassidy for details on any of the tips.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s December 2022 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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