
FLEX Feature: Schake Industries with Kate Whitling

We hear the word “manufacturing” thrown around when talking about local industry, but what does that mean? For Schake Industries, it looks like producing silos and offering several other fabrication services. Learn more about the company from Project Manager Kate Whitling below.

Tell us about Schake Industries, Inc.
Schake Industries, Inc., located in Seneca, was founded in Oil City in 1997 focusing on industrial coatings, however over the years has developed successfully into a producer of spiral aluminum silos. These silos are most often installed in plastics manufacturing facilities across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. We celebrate 25 years in business in October.

What is your role at the company?
I am currently a project manager for Schake Industries. My main responsibilities include scheduling, customer relations, risk management, budgeting, and team management. Being a part of a small business also allows me to expand my skill set by having a hand in accounting, inventory control, and business development.

What is your favorite part about working at Schake Industries?
I enjoy seeing the development and growth the company has gone through over the last couple of years. My step father started the company and has worked hard to successfully grow it into what it is today. It’s truly a rewarding experience to have the opportunity to follow in his footsteps and continue making forward progress in growing this business.

What is surprising about the company?
Schake Industries also offers installation and servicing of our products. Our trained installation crews will follow silos as they are shipped out across the continental United States. These silos are mainly installed in plants that produce plastic products, such as bottles, containers, medical devices and more.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Schake Industries not only produces spiral aluminum silos, but also offers a variety of manufacturing and fabrication services as well. Our capabilities also include cutting, bending, breaking, painting, sandblasting and powder coating.

Learn more about Schake at

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) October 2022 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

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