
ZingTrain Tip: The Importance of Continual Training

Training is common when a new employee starts, but are you continuing to meet with your team? Continual training is beneficial to your business and its work culture for many reasons:

Your team is working in new ways: This year forced many to change how they operate. Staff needs training on working remotely, using new technology, keeping people safe, and implementing other changes related to COVID-19.

You need to get buy-in to make changes: If you have ideas for changes, why not have a training to bring your team together to hear the same message at the same time? “Team training offers a shared experience that significantly increases the chance of meaningful change taking place,” said Joanie Hales from Zingerman’s.

You need inspiration: Running a business is hard work. Bringing your team together, and even bringing in an outsider facing similar challenges, can offer a boost of inspiration. Trainings also allow coworkers to share ideas and inspire one another. 

You’d like to get everyone moving in the same direction: Does your team have a shared understanding of your business’ future, or is each person moving towards their own idea of where you are heading? Having a training to create and understand a shared, inspiring vision works wonders in bringing your team together.

It doesn’t have to be complicated—even starting with a 15-20 minute staff training a week can make a significant difference.

Learn more:

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s November 2020 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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