
Ask Me Expansion

COVID-19 has changed the economic community. Social media has become even more important to connect with customers and build relationships. Jeanne Best, a social media specialist, started Ask Me over eight years ago. Her business builds brands through Facebook, websites, social media advertising, and many more platforms.

As the life around us is changing, so is Ask Me. Ask Me will be expanding their geographical reach and services with the addition of a new staff member. Stephanie Felmlee has joined the Ask Me team to assist with growth in business and add additional advertising platforms to drive traffic to your website and through your doors. Stephanie will be adding email marketing and event promotions to the Ask Me list of services.

“We are excited to join forces and offer more for our customers”, Jeanne said. “I have worked with Stephanie through the years and we work well together and make quite a team for our customers. Their success is Ask Me’s success.”

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