
Oil Heritage Festival to Continue July 23-26

Festivals and events have been canceled across the region and the state, understandably so. With so much uncertainty, the investment of resources, time, and money into planning a celebration that may become impossible to hold is a huge risk. But another risk is the passing of time without opportunities to come together as a community, celebrate history, and promote hope for the future. All events held at this time must be planned with safety of highest importance.

With these considerations and the City of Oil City’s support, the Venango Chamber will organize and promote the 42nd Annual Oil Heritage Festival from July 23 to 26. Several of the events that have been historically a part of the festival will not be included this July, others will be radically modified and only a few will look familiar. With a shortened time for planning, limited financial and staff support, as well as necessary restrictions for safety, much patience will be required to make the celebration a success.

All promotion of events will be through local media and the Chamber’s website and social media. Those who want to offer support, sponsorship, and volunteer time, can contact the Chamber at (814) 676-8521 or, or by visiting

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s June 2020 VenangoWorks! Newsletter

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