
Your Great Job – Just a Network Away

This morning I’ve been watching The Early Show’s special edition on finding (or keeping) a job. They’ve called in the experts for advice. I watch with great interest as I have friends and family who are unemployed and almost daily encounter community members who are on the job search. There’s is a resounding message in this news segment. Network, network, network! Find people in your industry to meet with, make everyone you know aware then you are seeking employment and use on-line social networking. This may sound like obvious advice but in fact can be very challenging for someone new to a job search.

I could personally share many stories of friends and coworkers who have not only found new jobs but very satisfying new careers through the leverage of a good network. So, where to get started? There’s no better place than the chamber of commerce. Wherever you happen to be on your career path, it is likely that through the chamber you will find access to businesses and individuals that are somehow connected to your industry. If you’re a chamber member, the tools are all at your fingertips. Grab your member directory and make a contact. Write a note or send an email requesting the chance to meet someone new. Attend an upcoming event and make sure chamber staff is aware of who you are interested in meeting. If you are not a chamber member, stop by the chamber to learn about what businesses and networks exist in the community. We can help you develop a strategy for “getting connected”.

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