
Winter Wellness: Keeping Your Sickness to a Minimum

As a new year kicks off, many people will make resolutions. Keeping some resolutions can be difficult, but many are attainable by taking small steps.

We talked to some local business on how to set and achieve attainable New Year goals related to wellness.

Winter Blues

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that happens as seasons come and go. Often referred to as “winter blues,” it affects many.

Katie Roth (Port), Oil City YMCA’s Wellness Director, suggests movement and exercise as a great way to combat depression. When people use their bodies to exercise and move, endorphins are released and can boost your mood and improve  your attitude.

“The social aspect of exercise is a huge part of the YMCA culture and can also positively impact individual’s moods and help to combat seasonal depression,” Katie said. “A lot of our group exercise classes are like little families—people laugh, talk and exercise together in community.”

Mental and physical health are integrally connected, illustrating how exercise can positively influence an individual’s mental health and lead to a more productive happy person.

Nourishing Your Body

Staying mentally healthy is one way people can resolve to avoid sickness in the New Year, but fending off the cold and flu are also important aspects of staying healthy. One important way to keep yourself from getting sick is to nourish your body.

Ashley Sheffer (Cowles), owner of Core Goods in Oil City, supports the idea of keeping healthy by eating fresh and whole food.

“Incorporating wholesome food in your diet can help keep your whole body in balance and feel better throughout the winter,” she said. “Instead of focusing on what not to eat, I encourage people to simply try to add nourishing items when they can—like vegetables, nuts and seeds, or whole grains.”

Simple Habits

Sometimes, simply adding small things to your life each day can make a difference.

“It might sound cliché but I am a firm believer in washing your hands, it makes a huge difference in staying healthy,” Katie said.

Daily habits, such as taking quality supplements or incorporating essential oils into your routine can have a huge impact in the long run,” said Calvin Bickel, owner of God’s Little Garden and Cranberry Wellness Center.

Despite the impending cold, snow, and wind that the winter brings, there are affective ways to keep your mind and body in shape even in the winter.

Keep those sick days away by staying mentally and physically healthy through movement that supports your lifestyle, and keep the cold and flu bugs away by nourishing your body, washing your hands, and adding simple habits to your daily routine. These tips will help to keep those sick days to a minimum and combat both the winter blues and sniffles.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s January 2020 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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