
VenangoREADY Launch: Connecting Educators and Employers

There is no topic discussed more in the business community than workforce—the lack of, the changing approaches to hiring, and how to retain great employees. At the same time, we often hear the mantra, “We need more (good) jobs.” In Venango County, we continue to learn of the many quality careers, especially in manufacturing.

Venango County schools have a history of successfully sending graduates to higher education and ultimately to successful careers. Many of those careers are right here in Venango County. Additionally, many students choose to enter the workforce directly from high school. Regardless of what industry or pay grade of job available, employers remind us of their two greatest challenges—promoting the openings they have and attracting candidates who can be successful in the workplace. Success in the workplace often has more to do with character than skills or education. In early 2020, the Venango Chamber was prepared to launch VenangoREADY with an event for educators. When the pandemic made that impossible, we hosted a virtual launch, to introduce local teachers and school administration to the six attributes employers consistently agree are needed and often lacking in new employees.

On April 26, we were finally able to hold the event we had envisioned two years earlier.

Educators from Christian Life Academy, Cranberry, Franklin, Oil City, Titusville, Valley Grove, Venango Region Catholic School, and Venango Technology Center participated in the event which included company tours of Webco, Komatsu, and Klapec Trucking, to learn about employment opportunities for students now and in the future. The educators were also invited to an open house at Klapec Trucking’s warehouse in Reno, to enjoy food, drinks and prizes, along with the chance to visit with additional employers. Those employers included Franklin Bronze Precision Components, Hickman Lumber, Kronospan, SMS Group, and Milliken & Company.

Several educational partners were also in attendance, such as Riverview IU6, the United Way of Venango County, and the Venango County Economic Development Authority (eAcademy).

Kat Thompson, Membership & Education Manager at the Venango Chamber, had prepared information and handouts for employers and educators about the VenangoREADY Program and ways to participate. Speaking on the goals of the program, Thompson states: “In addition to promoting proficiency in the six VenangoREADY attributes, a key component of the program is to facilitate connections between employers and educators. These connections are mutually beneficial, and in turn benefit our students—the emerging workforce. Through this event, we saw many of those valuable connections made.”

Cranberry School District will be the first to graduate students with VenangoREADY certificates and cords, this spring. Several of the schools in attendance at the event indicated they hoped to participate in the fall.

Based on comments during and after the VenangoREADY launch, the Chamber expects to host this event again in the future. To learn more about VenangoREADY, visit

Testimonials from VenangoREADY Launch

“I was surprised by the variety of job opportunities available locally. I also found it interesting that companies are willing to provide on-the-job training for many positions. Touring the facilities and talking with the employers was definitely an asset, as I can introduce my students to new industries while preparing them to enter the workforce.”
-Jill Winslow, FASD Learning Support

“This event provided educators with an innovative opportunity to see current workforce opportunities in our community. I was excited to see OCASD teachers interacting with representatives of local industry. In talking with local businesses, we were informed of the exciting, lucrative, options for entry level and experienced workers. This knowledge will better equip our educators in discussions with students regarding their post-secondary employment.” -Lynda Weller, OCASD Superintendent

“It is such an honor to be a part of our community. We have a community of hardworking people and to bridge the educators in the area with the companies in the area is such an excellent idea. Educators are working hard to prepare students for their lives after they graduate. Businesses want those students to know there are good paying jobs in the area. Not just jobs, but careers. For the two to work together is a welcome breath of fresh air that has been needed for quite some time.” – Bridget Rowland, Klapec Trucking Company

“I had great conversations with educators about what we do here and it was wonderful to get the chance to converse with them about our needs. It was also wonderful to get to talk to them about what they can do to help students better prepare for the workplace and get jobs to be successful in our area.” – Angela Calhoun, Komatsu

“The launch was such a rewarding experience. I was able to talk to teachers in the area and let them know what we have to offer students. I also made connections to set up field trips for their students! Many teachers made the same statement that it is really important for their students to see what kind of opportunities the area has for them after high school, many students leave the area just because they don’t think there is anything here for them.” – Kennedy Miller, Milliken & Company

“Our team really enjoyed VenangoREADY Launch program. It really allowed people to network in a relaxing atmosphere and learn about our local businesses.”
– Kevin Briggs, Valley Grove School District

“Thank you so very much for offering the VenangoREADY event. The event was so well organized with such a variety of information shared. It was extremely helpful in learning more about what local businesses have to offer to our students.”
– Amber Nolan-Johnston, Valley Grove School District

“Those of us that attended from the Venango Technology Center came away from the event with more knowledge of what is available here in our own backyard. Now we are better equipped to talk to our students and give them firsthand knowledge of being in the three facilities and talking to the other companies that had booths setup. All three of the plant tours were very informative and eye opening.”
– Bob Fugate, Venango Technology Center

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s May 2022 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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