
Two Local Clubs Hold Regional Trainings

The Oil City-Franklin Zonta Club and the Franklin Rotary Club both held regional trainings in April.

Oil City – Franklin Zonta Club members Kammi Stiller, Betsy Kellner, Susan Williams, and Deb Lutz recently attended the Zonta District Summit held April 20 at Cross Creek Resort. The theme of the Summit was Membership & Marketing and brought together 66 Zonta members from across the District 4 area which stretches from New York to Washington, PA. Holly Gibbons of GBS Web Services was the keynote speaker and provided information on membership and marketing tools to use not only for Zonta but also in other service organizations.

Franklin Rotary club was the host to District 7280 Spring Assembly on April 20 at Wanango Country Club. The incoming District Governor, Zachary Covington’s home club of Franklin is the common gathering area for this and the Fall Workshop. Hot topics of discussion were Rotary Membership, Rotary Foundation fundraising, and Public Image.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s May 2024 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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