Klapec Trucking Company

Locally-owned since 1949, Klapec Trucking Company (KTC) is an example of a thriving family business in Venango County, boasting a fleet of 80 trucks, 175 trailers, and over 100 employees.

In late 2017, when KTC heard that PennDOT was studying the stretch of Route 8 between Franklin and Barkeyville with a consideration to reduce the lanes from four to two, they were immediately concerned, as this would have a huge impact on their growing business.

“As a business wanting to survive in Venango County, easy, and efficient access to Interstate 80 is vital, not only to our company, but to our community as a whole,” said Greg Lander, Vice President of KTC. “This roadway is our lifeline to Interstate 80 and the United States. Such a change would have had a major impact on area businesses. “

Quickly, the Chamber’s Advocacy Committee came together. Over a series of months, many discussions were held with the public, PennDOT representatives, elected officials, Chamber board members, and representatives from local businesses, such as KTC, Webco Industries, and King’s Landscaping.

With the help of the Advocacy Committee, the Chamber conducted a survey with approximately 125 responses about the impact the change would have on the region, then used this information to advocate for businesses against the reduction of lanes.

In March 2018, the community celebrated, as PennDOT announced the study would only focus on four-lane options for the road moving forward.

“As a single business, it would have been difficult for us to influence the Route 8 decision,” said Greg. “With the help of the Chamber’s advocacy committee, the voice of business was heard, benefiting the entire region.”

Learn more about the Chamber’s advocacy efforts

Learn more about Klapec Trucking Company