
Local Schools Seek Business Input

Oil City High School (OCHS) and Venango Technology Center (Vo-Tech) are asking businesses to take their short surveys.

OCSDOCHS would love to hear your thoughts about their school climate. All you have to do is take an online survey that takes 5 minutes or less and it will provide the School Climate Committee with valuable information that will help shape and change future programs at the high school.

You can assist Oil City High School in 4 easy steps.  Here’s what you need to do:

1. Visit

2. A blue box will appear at the top of the page that says Home Page, Are you a survey respondent that was given an invitation code? Enter your invitation code by clicking here.  Click on “Clicking Here” and a window will appear asking for a code.

3. Your code as a community member is GMEADK

4. Answer the questions to the survey and submit your results anonymously.

You do not have to reside in Oil City to take the survey; you just need to be familiar with the community and school.

VotechRobert Moore, Cooperative Education Director at Vo-Tech, assists students with securing employment. One of the topics they cover is resume development and he is seeking input from local businesses as to what you look for on a quality resume.

He would appreciate your feedback so that he may provide students with the most relevant information possible.  Please feel free to gather input from any of your staff involved with the hiring process.
Find the survey by visiting

Thank you in advance for your willingness to help improve our local schools!

This article was published in the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce’s December 2018 edition of the VenangoWorks! Newsletter.


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