Search Results for: FLEX

Professional Development Tip: Finding Work-Life Balance

By Syd Herdle

As we approach a year of enduring the COVID-19 pandemic, reports of folks hitting the “pandemic wall” have circulated the news in recent days. The weight of working from home/on the front lines, the varying economy and a lack of social interaction has really started taking a toll on folks if it had not been already.

Unsurprisingly, these factors and more have made it hard for many of us to retain a healthy work-life balance. Those of us who work from home may find it difficult to turn off work mode since we almost never leave home, and those of us who work out and about may be too stressed out and tired by the end of the day to do much else.

To curb that, here are some ways to help re-attain a healthy work-life balance in these troubling times:

Revive an old hobby (or pick up a new one)
No thanks to the pandemic, a lot of the fun events, festivals and activities we would normally enjoy outside of work have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely. The one upside to such a situation, though, is we can now make time for hobbies we may not have had time for before.

For me, part of that involved getting back into the music scene. I have been a drummer for more than half my life, but I took a step back from practicing and performing while in college to pursue several career opportunities. Now that I am graduated and stuck at home when not working, I have been able to find my groove and more time to practice again.

Finding new hobbies to enjoy is also awesome. My sister recently took up crocheting, and now she spends a lot of her time crocheting various small, stuffed animals (a Japanese art called amigurumi) when she needs a break from her schoolwork. They are so cute!

Invest in some self-care
The beautiful thing about self-care is it offers a variety of ways that can help relieve stress, boost your mood and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can range from exercising and eating a balanced diet to mediating, getting enough rest and taking a mental break when needed.

The physical activity I encounter in my job ranges from sitting at my desk all day to carrying heavy loads of photography equipment for hours on end, so I incorporate strength training and running in my routine to keep my strength and endurance up. Eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep in turn gives me the fuel and rest I need to get through a workout routine and the rest of my work day.

When that is not enough though, taking a mental health day to relax, unwind and enjoy whatever you enjoy without having to worry about work or school can be beneficial to the soul. Use that PTO, people!

Find time for your community and relationships
This one is easier said than done since we rarely see each other in-person anymore but doing little things such as holding a Zoom happy hour with your best friends every so often or participating in a volunteer opportunity when it pops up can be great ways to engage your friendships and lend a helping hand to your community.

Of course, you can also keep your eye out for fun virtual events and social distance-friendly volunteer opportunities hosted by FLEX to do so.

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) February 2021 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

Little Things, Big Impact

One of the lessons 2020 taught us was how impactful little gestures can be. Whether it was a neighbor who raked your leaves or a friend who picked up your groceries when you were quarantined, we’ve all had a few of these exchanges that left us feeling hopeful.

We asked some FLEX members to share a small gesture they have seen or done in the last year. Jen Feehan shared: “My co-worker and friend Rebecca Beach leaves fun gummy candies on my desk after she learned about my obsession with gummy bears. She has even found some really great ones like gummy taco kits and gummy mice. Her thoughtfulness has left me feeling grateful and encouraged to do fun things for others.”

Hailee Crimbchin wanted to keep her co-workers spirits up after the holidays, so she’s been baking cookies to share in the office. She said they loved the cookies and it has helped her get to know everyone.

Want to make an impact of your own? Here are some easy ways you can bring joy to those around you:

Send a Note
Everyone loves to open their mailbox and find a note from a friend. Sending a handwritten letter or card can really brighten someone’s day.

Pay It Forward (or Backward?)
Next time you’re in the drive-thru, ask to pay for the order of the person behind you. This will definitely leave them feeling inspired.

Give a Compliment
You’re standing behind someone in line at the coffee shop and notice her adorable jacket? Tell her! Your coworker got a haircut that really suits them? Let them know!

Tip Graciously
Restaurant workers have had quite a year. Next time you order from your favorite local spot, give an extra tip to your waitress, delivery driver, or barista.

We encourage you to try to do something small, but impactful, whenever you can.

Do you know of someone who makes a difference in the community, whether big or small? Nominate them as a Venango Hero!

FLEX Members Kat Thompson, Ashley Smith, and Bobbie Jones (Trailasana Yoga Studio) have already been nominated. Learn more and submit a nomination at

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) February 2021 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

FYI Newsletter – February 2021

For young professionals, by young professionals. This monthly newsletter is published by Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange (FLEX), the young professionals group of the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce.

Click the image below for a PDF of the full newsletter.

Find articles from the FLEX FYI on the Chamber’s blog.

Alex Gunter Joins Gunter Financial Group

The Gunter Financial Group of Raymond James in Oil City is excited to welcome Alex Gunter to their team as a Financial Advisor. Alex moved back to the area in 2020 with his wife and son and looks forward to working with local residents and businesses.

Alex holds the Series 7 and 66 securities licenses, PA Life, and Health and Accident Insurance. At their practice, Alex, along with his father Dave Gunter, Senior Vice President, Investments, strives to create comprehensive wealth management plans designed to make the best use of clients wealth today and help ensure its endurance for future generations. They offer an array of personalized services, support, and guidance that can help make a positive difference in the pursuit of your financial goals.

Visit the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) section of this month’s newsletter for a professional development tip from Alex.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s January 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

Elise Switzer

Originally a Venango County native, Elise Switzer moved away after college, but moved back in 2019 and told us: “I am thrilled to be home.”

Elise is a Realtor at Shawgo Real Estate, and attended Mercyhurst University where she graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in Art Therapy with a minor in Psychology.

In her career, Elise has earned many achievements. She was named employee of the month just two months after starting at her current job, has received five letters of professional recognition for completed projects, and received promotions within the first year at three different companies she has worked for.

Through her job as a Realtor, Elise has become connected with all that the county has to offer and has reacquainted herself with this region. She is fortunate to have the opportunity to meet many people and help them call this area home as well.

Elise enjoys the outdoors and art of any kind. She likes to kayak, hike, bike, and garden, and she pursues art with a focus on photography, painting, and ceramics. Elise appreciates the outdoor recreation opportunities, family friend festivals and community activities, arts, theatre, and good food available in Venango County, and the great friends she gets to share it all with. She is especially excited to enjoy her hometown with her husband, two sons, and their family and friends who live here.

A goal of Elise’s is to “make roots” here. “I am looking forward to becoming an integral part of the community by establishing myself as a Realtor here and finding avenues to get involved such as becoming a part of FLEX and other community organizations,” she told us.