Search Results for: FLEX

Creating a Team Culture

With Holly Gibbons of Gibbons Business Solutions

Businesses across the country are struggling to reopen or regain prepandemic momentum, as the challenge to fill job openings continues. In many industries, the search for workers has existed for several years, with declining populations in rural communities and the trend for employees to change jobs on a frequent basis. Everyone is asking, “How can we find and keep the people we need?”

Holly Gibbons, owner of Gibbons Business Solutions (GBS), has been growing her business consistently over the last seven years. Upon opening GBS in 2014, she and coowner Linda Henderson had no employees on payroll, as she worked with several contracted workers to fill the positions needed to support her customers here in Venango County and beyond.

Among the services offered by GBS are social media management, digital marketing, graphic design and illustration, video production, and website development and hosting. All services demand that Holly and her team build relationships with their clients. As for her team, they now include six employees on payroll and eight contracted workers, her newest hired just a few months ago.

We asked Holly to share how she is attracting the talent she needs and creating a culture that ensures that employees will stay with GBS.

When you need to grow your team, what are the first steps you take to find the right candidate?
– We hire most people through the network of our own team and within the tri-county area. They often find us and when they are a good candidate, we may be willing to create a position.

Have you observed a change in what employees are looking for when searching for a job?
– Most creative people are looking for the chance to be part of a team, but also want the flexibility to adjust their hours and to decide where to work—in the office or from home. We find times to get the entire team together, especially when it is time to problem solve or to celebrate. It is important to provide opportunities for them to get to know each other and their families.

What are the most important things in creating a good work culture that keep your team running smoothly?
– It is really important to hire the right people, those who know how to problem solve, use the tools we give them, and have strong communication skills. We are able to use technology to meet and connect. Regardless of the size or scope of a project, they are willing to work together to see it through. We are continually looking for ways to support and invest in everyone on the team, employees and contractors, providing training whenever needed.

What do you see in the current business climate that is making it difficult for others to attract and retain employees?
– Some businesses do not offer the same flexibility as we do. This can be a real challenge. But when you trust your employees, you must find ways to allow them to take care of family and personal needs. Those who resist this will continue to find it hard to attract the best employees. Employees want to know and understand where the business is headed so keeping them informed is especially important. Businesses who do not include their employees in their vision will likely struggle with retention.

Do you see your business continuing to add employees in the coming months/years?
– I do intend to see continued growth at GBS. We have been so fortunate to have the right people present themselves as we have grown, and we trust that will continue to happen in the future.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s June 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

PennDOT Names New Safety Press Officer

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is pleased to announce that Saxon Daugherty has been appointed to the position of safety press officer for the northwest region District 1.

The safety press officer serves as a liaison between District 1 and its partners, customers, and the public on safety issues and functions as a PennDOT spokesperson for highway safety throughout the six-county region of Crawford, Erie, Forest, Mercer, Venango, and Warren counties.

Saxon is a graduate of Edinboro University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communications and Media Studies. He serves as the vice president/secretary of Future Leaders & Entrepreneurial Exchange (FLEX), Venango County’s young professionals organization managed by the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce.

He resides in Cranberry Township, Venango County with his wife, Carly, and their daughter, Mia.

Saxon joins District 1 press officer Jill Harry, who leads the PennDOT communications team in the northwest region.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s May 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

FYI Newsletter – June 2021

For young professionals, by young professionals. This monthly newsletter is published by Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange (FLEX), the young professionals group of the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce.

Click here or the image below for a PDF of the FYI.

Find articles from the FLEX FYI on the Chamber’s blog.

Leadership Venango Plans Graduation Ceremony

The 2021 class of the Chamber’s leadership program started in September with in-person sessions, then shifted to virtual meetings and are now preparing to finish the program with one last in-person session. We are so grateful for their flexibility as we continued navigating the changes presented by the pandemic, and so excited to see where they go from here.

Join us in celebrating the class of 2021 at a virtual graduation ceremony on May 26.

We are now accepting applications for the Class of 2022, visit for more information.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s May 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

Professional Development Tip: Staying Active During the Workday

By Hannah Gamble | Core Goods & Trailasana Yoga Studio

It’s easy to get focused on work and forget to take breaks and stay active. Here are some ways to incorporate movement and breath into your day:

  • Hourly reminders: Set a reminder on your phone to stand up once every hour or two, and take a few minutes to move, even if you’re still at your desk.
  • Five minute mindfulness practice: Sit up tall, not slouching or collapsing in the shoulders. Close your eyes. Take a moment to notice the room—any distractions, sounds, smells. Check in with yourself. Notice how you feel at this moment. Whatever that feeling is, sit with it. Inhale deeply for three counts, exhale fully for three counts. Continue breathing, lengthening each inhale and exhale if you can. Continuing for the remainder of your time.
  • Relieving upper back and shoulder discomfort: Sit up tall, inhale and arch your back, pull your shoulders back, push your chest forward, and look up at the sky. Stay here for a few breaths to relieve all the tension from slouching over your desk.
  • Getting the blood moving: Stand with feet hip width apart, on an inhale pull the right knee up in line with your hip, and exhale to release it back down. Continue and do 5-10 reps on each leg

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) May 2021 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.