Search Results for: mixer

Leadership Venango Graduation Set for May 24

The Chamber is excited to celebrate the Leadership Venango Class of 2023 with a mixer-style graduation reception and ceremony on May 24 at Wanango Country Club in Reno.

Since their two-day retreat in September, the class of 15 have been fully engaged, really making the most of the nine-month program.

The class was split into three teams to work on team projects, which will be presented to a limited audience ahead of the graduation ceremony.

Invitations have been sent out with details on the graduation reception and ceremony.

Congratulations Class of 2023!

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s May 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

Business Tip of the Month: Developing Entrepreneurial Skills

Whether a business is just starting out or has been around for years, developing entrepreneurial skills is essential. Innovation is key to growing a lasting business, and honing this skill set is a continuous process. There are many resources out there to help an individual with these skills, including:

There are many Chamber-hosted events like our upcoming annual dinner, mixers, and outings that provide opportunities to practice entrepreneurial skills, like networking.

Volunteering is another great way to learn these skills from people in the community and grow your network. Consider joining a club like Rotary to get started.

Formal Training
Learning is a life-long journey, and formal training can be a great way to learn new skills, including entrepreneurial ones. The Chamber’s Leadership Venango program is a great way to advance leadership skills, which are vital in the self-directed entrepreneurial lifestyle.

Many industries have training of their own that could serve as a launching pad to grow these skills.

Access Entrepreneurship Books with Libby
Libby is a great resource to get started with, and you can access it with your library card through the Oil Region Library Association. This allows you to borrow eBooks and audiobooks anytime, no matter where you are. Libby is a great way to learn on the go. Michael Gerber’s E -Myth series would be a great place to start.

Entrepreneurial thinking and skills are important in staying relevant, as a business or in your career. Try some of these resources to help you grow in innovation and entrepreneurial thinking today!

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s February 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

Referrals and Introductions for Meaningful Connections

with Susan Williams, Venango Chamber President/CEO

Networking and connecting continue to be among the most valued benefits of belonging to the Chamber, but are often misunderstood or underutilized. It may be assumed that you must attend a mixer or event to meet someone new or reconnect with other members. For many, this is great, but Chamber staff is ready to assist you with introductions outside of events.

You can contact us to discuss who you ”need to know” and we’re happy to assist you with an introduction, via email, a phone call, or even a shared meeting. The more we know about you and your business, the more qualified these referrals are, so we encourage you to make certain all your member information is up to date and we invite you to chat with any of our staff to assure we know what’s going on in your business.

Additionally, we appreciate introductions, too! We hope you’ll think of us when working with other businesses and organizations, whether it is someone who isn’t a member (yet) or perhaps a member who could use a reminder of what the Chamber is up to. We all benefit when we grow the Chamber and our knowledge of each other!

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s May 2022 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

Leadership Venango Graduation Set for May 25

The Chamber is excited to celebrate the Leadership Venango Class of 2022 with a mixer-style graduation reception and ceremony on May 25 at Wanango Country Club in Reno.

This year’s class started with 16 members, losing one a few months in, when Akshay Kumbhare moved to Florida for a job opportunity. Since their two-day retreat in September, the participants have been fully engaged, really making the most of the nine-month program.

The class recently toured three local businesses— Komatsu, Webco, and Klapec Trucking Company—during one of their recent sessions. Participant Kelly Smerker said: “I really enjoyed the tours of the local businesses. You have no idea what’s involved in an operation until you get inside the building and see for yourself.”

The class was split into three teams to work on team projects, which will be presented to a limited audience ahead of the graduation ceremony.

Invitations have been sent out with details on the graduation reception and ceremony. Congratulations Class of 2022!

Applications are available now for the Class of 2023. Visit for more information!

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s May 2022 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.