Search Results for: FLEX

FLEX Professional Development Tip: Working From Home

We know many of you are working from home at the moment. It can be challenging to balance time, stay focused, and get your work done while at home. Some FLEX members shared tips to help:


Every day has the potential to become “Casual Friday on steroids,” but the novelty of working in your pajamas wears off more quickly than you might think. Dress as if you are GOING to work, and you are more likely to GET to work. So put on some pants, put on some shoes (real ones), and—if it’s been a while—take a shower. No one wants to sit beside a stinky co-worker.


This helps you get in the right mindset and stay focused. Never work from your bed, no matter how tempting.


Label this user “work” and only have apps and website bookmarks relevant and necessary to your job. Same goes for your regular user account, no work on that either. The key is to remove temptation and distractions.


However you keep yourself on track – apps, post it notes, calendars, a planner, etc. Block off certain times for certain tasks.  It is very easy to become “too involved” with a project or task, wasting a lot of time and resources that could have been used to complete several other tasks. Allocate the time and abide by it


Most people would normally be doing that throughout the day. Set up daily/weekly web conferences, even for just 15 minutes to ask/answer questions and see how everyone is doing, or share tips/info.


Most people don’t focus 100% for 8 solid hours at work. Once you finish a task, stand up, stretch, get the mail, have a snack.


It’s easy to keep working if it’s quiet and you don’t have the normal “clocking out” bustle around you.

Thanks Corey, Kat, Saxon, and Ryan for the tips!

Do you have tips to add? Comment below!

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) April 2020 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

FLEX Professional Development Tip: Stress Management

By Kathryn Thompson, FLEX President & Talent Engagement Facilitator at PA CareerLink

Stress is your response to something happening in your life – a stressor. Up to a certain point, stressors can act as motivators, but each of us has that point when the stressor starts to decrease our motivation or energy.

It can be something positive like moving to a new house or starting a new job, or something you’re nervous about like a big project or deadline. But you don’t have to let it overwhelm you. Here are some tips to help you manage the stress in your life:

  • Overcome decision fatigue. We make around 35,000 conscious or semi-conscious decisions every day. This constant call on our energy is called “decision fatigue”. To alleviate some of this fatigue, create a routine for your mornings and evenings to decrease the number of little decisions you must make. Try to schedule harder tasks for earlier in the day to keep yourself from feeling burnt out. Simplify your wardrobe, meal planning, apps on your phone, and your daily schedule.
  • Your attitude is your steering wheel. Having a positive outlook can make your stressors seem manageable, whereas having a negative outlook makes every worse. So strike a power pose. Turn up your favorite pump up music. Try to see the silver lining and know you’ll get through whatever is causing the stress.
  • Develop stress-relieving habits. Write a list of what you can control and make an action plan, giving yourself simple rewards as you accomplish tasks, and then let go of the things you can’t control. Regular, attentional physical activity helps your brain rest and is proven to decrease stress (turn off your music or tv show while you exercise – focus on breathing and the world around you). Meditation is also a great practice to stay mindful and centered.
  • Use tools to help in the moment. Utilize breathing techniques to physically rebalance when the stress feels like it is taking over. Take a break or a short walk to remove yourself from a stressful situation. Trick your brain into calming down by visualizing a peaceful place. Calm your environment by engaging the senses in your home or work space with herbal teas, candles or essential oils, meaningful photos or trinkets, soothing music, and/or worry stones.

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) February 2020 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

FLEX Member Highlight: Bobbie Jones

Congratulations Bobbie Jones on the opening of Trailasana Yoga Studio! It is located at 211 Seneca Street in Oil City and opened with a ribbon cutting on January 6. Trailasana offers a variety of classes and workshops for all skill levels.

“January was a busy month for the studio and I am humbled,” Bobbie said. “We have three core values: community, kindness, and good deeds.  Each night, I lock up the studio with a grateful heart because I feel we are holding true to these values. We (studio, clients, and community) are a community of kind people with good hearts. I cannot wait to see the relationships strengthen.”

Bobbie discovered yoga when she was recommended to supplement ultra-running with a yoga practice. She quickly learned the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits and fell in love with the practice. She obtained her 200-hr Teacher Training from Broad Street Yoga in 2017. 

Bobbie also works as Human Resources Manager at Webco and has an associate degree in Legal Business from Clarion University and a bachelor’s degree in Labor Relations and Employment Studies from Penn State University. She has been involved with FLEX for more than five years and was a Young Professional of the Year nominee twice.

Check out Trailasana at, and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) February 2020 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

FLEX Professional Development Tip: Networking

By Rachel Stiller, FLEX Events & Fundraising Committee Co-Chair

As a young professional, it is inevitable that at some point you will be networking. The difference is—will you do it well or poorly? Here are a few tips to start practicing now so that at you’ll feel confident and prepared at your next networking event:

First, take a moment to evaluate your body language and facial expressions. Your body language will be more evident to those around you than any words you say. Remind yourself to smile during conversations; this will help calm your nerves and others will see you as warm and inviting. By keeping your body language open and friendly, you will be more approachable and it will help you build rapport and trust.

Second, instead of waiting to be approached, take control and simply walk up to a person or a group, and say: “May I join you?” or “What brings you to this event?” Don’t forget to listen intently to their replies and remember that the most successful networkers are good at making other people feel special. Look people in the eye, repeat their name, listen to what they have to say, and suggest topics that are easy to discuss. Your goal is to be a conversationalist, not a talker.

Next, share your passions and be specific about your goals. Win people over with your enthusiasm. Leave a lasting impression by telling a story about why you were inspired to do what you do. Talking about what you enjoy is often contagious, too. When you get other people to share their passion, it creates a memorable two-way conversation.

Finally, remember to follow up. It’s often said that networking is where the conversation begins, not ends. If you’ve had a great exchange, ask your conversation partner the best way to stay in touch. Some people like email or phone; others prefer social networks like LinkedIn. Get in touch within a day or so of the event to show you’re interested and available, and reference something you discussed, so your contact remembers you.

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) January 2020 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

FLEX Looks Forward to a New Year

When FLEX, the young professionals group of the Venango Chamber, started in 2007, no one could have predicted the growth we would see. Thirteen years later, we have 128 members, and we continue to add and improve our programs and events.

Rather than look back at 2019, we are excited to look forward to 2020 and begin creating a vision for what the year will look like and make a plan to make those things happen.

“What excites me heading into 2020 is the blend of seasoned leadership and experienced professionals,” said Rachel Stiller, outgoing FLEX President. “Everyone on leadership has had involvement with FLEX and are passionate about the mission of the organization, which will benefit us as we move forward with those projects we started in 2019.”

Rachel also added: “We are all equipped to maintain our current level of energy as a young professional group and I anticipate we’ll continue to see FLEX make leaps and bounds this year through the hard work and dedication of our incoming leadership.”

Kat Thompson, incoming FLEX president, added: “Serving as VP this past year under Rachel’s presidency has been an amazing learning experience. Seeing up close her passion and knowledge has inspired me in my involvement with FLEX and in my own professional development.”

“As the incoming president, I look forward to continuing the trajectory of growth and development established by 2019 leadership under her guidance and with the support of the Chamber,” Kat said. “I, along with our seasoned chairs, am excited to welcome two new faces to the leadership team. With continued involvement in our communities, I hope to see FLEX become a household name across Venango County, and be an accessible and valuable resource for young professionals.”

We invite you to get involved with FLEX in a new way this year! Whether it’s coming to an event, joining one of our committees, or volunteering, we hope to see you as we continue to grow.

Meet the 2020 FLEX Officers

President – Kat Thompson
VP/Secretary – Saxon Daugherty
Membership Chair – Laura Ordaz
Marketing & Community Partnerships Chair – Tessa Byham
Events & Fundraising Co-Chair – Ashley Smith
Events & Fundraising Co-Chair – Rachel Stiller

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) January 2020 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.