
Networking in Any Weather

Can we all say snow? It is another blustery day in Venango County and the kids get an extra 2 hours in bed, but nothing stops a dedicated networker! I’ve just returned from a networking breakfast that I wouldn’t have considered missing. I have learned from the other similar days in recent months that there will always be a faithful bunch that will attend regardless of the elements, even on Christmas and New Year Eves.

Often the cry of small businesses is “I’m just too busy” as an excuse for not attending networking functions or taking the time to be proactive in meeting customers face to face. I’m more convinced than ever that relationships are key to longevity in business and the opportunities for networking on your own terms abound. While the meeting I attended this morning is for those who are most dedicated building a loyal network, requiring a significant commitment of time, the Chamber offers many options that require only a small investment time. And if time truly is just too short to attend scheduled events, we can help you fit your networking into the perfect hours for you.

As we continue to explore the world of social media, you’ll see that there is no hour of the day, nor location that is not an option for connecting with others. Those who are tech savy know what I mean. For those who are not, it is easier that ever to learn and almost everything available online can be translated back to pen and paper if that is your tool of choice, so…don;t let a little snow keep you down. Make a great connection today!

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