
Networking-Are You a Bit Rusty?

Networking! Seems all the buzz these days, but is it all they say? For most Chamber members, the first thing that comes to mind when you say network is mixers.  For many, these get togethers provide a great opportunity to meet up with community members and peers, but for others they are a dreaded obligation.  If it’s the later, likely there’s a convenient excuse to beg out.

I have found that although mixers and other face to face gathering are a good (sometimes great) experience for me, there is tremendous value in my online network.  I’ve had the pleasure meeting other chamber professionals with great wisdom to share.  So, here’s a great post by Beth Bridges, Membership Director of the Clovis Chamber in California.  I hope it inspires you as it has me.  Enjoy!

One Comment

  • Beth Bridges 15 years ago Reply

    Thanks for the repost!

    It was a very odd feeling, but I did get back into the feel of it within a week or so. I got a lot of feedback on this post from my Facebook friends. They felt both validated and encouraged in their own networking.

    If a regular like me could feel a bit “out of it,” then it must be a normal feeling for everyone. Therefore, almost everyone you meet, no matter how suave they seem, has had their “off days” too.

    Keep on networking, Venango!


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