
Little Things, Big Impact

One of the lessons 2020 taught us was how impactful little gestures can be. Whether it was a neighbor who raked your leaves or a friend who picked up your groceries when you were quarantined, we’ve all had a few of these exchanges that left us feeling hopeful.

We asked some FLEX members to share a small gesture they have seen or done in the last year. Jen Feehan shared: “My co-worker and friend Rebecca Beach leaves fun gummy candies on my desk after she learned about my obsession with gummy bears. She has even found some really great ones like gummy taco kits and gummy mice. Her thoughtfulness has left me feeling grateful and encouraged to do fun things for others.”

Hailee Crimbchin wanted to keep her co-workers spirits up after the holidays, so she’s been baking cookies to share in the office. She said they loved the cookies and it has helped her get to know everyone.

Want to make an impact of your own? Here are some easy ways you can bring joy to those around you:

Send a Note
Everyone loves to open their mailbox and find a note from a friend. Sending a handwritten letter or card can really brighten someone’s day.

Pay It Forward (or Backward?)
Next time you’re in the drive-thru, ask to pay for the order of the person behind you. This will definitely leave them feeling inspired.

Give a Compliment
You’re standing behind someone in line at the coffee shop and notice her adorable jacket? Tell her! Your coworker got a haircut that really suits them? Let them know!

Tip Graciously
Restaurant workers have had quite a year. Next time you order from your favorite local spot, give an extra tip to your waitress, delivery driver, or barista.

We encourage you to try to do something small, but impactful, whenever you can.

Do you know of someone who makes a difference in the community, whether big or small? Nominate them as a Venango Hero!

FLEX Members Kat Thompson, Ashley Smith, and Bobbie Jones (Trailasana Yoga Studio) have already been nominated. Learn more and submit a nomination at

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) February 2021 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

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