
Lexi Henry Finishes Third Summer as Chamber Intern

Our Summer intern, Lexi Henry, will complete her third and final Summer with us this month, and we simply couldn’t let the opportunity to publicly and sincerely thank her pass us by.

From the beginning of her time with us, Lexi has been a self-starter and extremely hard worker. She is incredibly organized and always willing to try something new. Lexi increased sales for our Oil Heritage Festival Basket Raffle and streamlined so many festival processes for interns to come.

She has been a huge asset to the Venango Chamber and will be sorely missed next year! We wish her all the best in her future endeavors and know that she will be invaluable wherever she ends up after she graduates from Slippery Rock University in May of 2024.

Thank you, Lexi! We love you!

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s August 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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