
Leadership Venango Holds Healthy Community Session

Leadership Venango met virtually last month to discuss “Leading a Healthy Community.” This session featured a panel of medical professionals from UPMC that gave an overview of the community’s health needs as well as a candid conversation with hospital President, Brian Durniok.

Joe Croskey, a class favorite and past presenter, joined in the afternoon and led the class in mindfulness exercises and explained the value of mindful listening and getting off of “autopilot.”

While focusing on your physical health remains as important as ever, checking in with your mental health is a crucial part of leading a healthy lifestyle.

One participant is already using a new mindfulness practice in her daily routine. She stated, “I set an alarm on my phone for two hours into my workday to stop and give myself five minutes to focus on my breathing and collect myself.”

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This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s April 2021 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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