The 2019 Class of Leadership Venango held it’s final session on May 8 at Drake Well Museum in Titusville.
The class of 13 began the day with a segment on the Be Here Initiative led by Program Manager Ashley Cowles. Ashley led the class in a training, making them official Ambassadors of the program. The class shared their favorite things about Venango County, and discussed some of the problems the area faces and how to remain positive in the face of challenges.
Betsy Kellner, director of the Venango Museum, then spoke with the class on the importance of community partnerships. In her work at the museum, Betsy is a partner to many other local organizations, some unexpected.
The class then heard from Emily Altomare, Communications and Tourism Manager at the Oil Region Alliance (ORA). Emily spoke on tourism and attracting visitors to the region. She said tourism is the second largest economic driver in the state, and should not be overlooked. Emily shared tips for being a welcoming resident and told the class about some exciting plans the ORA has for increasing and improving tourism.
After lunch, Melissa Mann, Drake Well Museum Site Administrator, gave an overview of the history of the museum and the region. They then got a quick tour of the grounds.
To finish out the day, the class heard from Charlie Cotherman, pastor of Oil City Vineyard Church, on how to be a leader people want to follow. Those who have heard Charlie speak know he is a powerful orator and the class felt no different, many saying he was a favorite of the whole program and a great way to end their nine months.
At the end of the day, the class reflected on the program, giving suggestions and mentioning favorite presenters and topics. This year’s participants have been invited to sit on an Advisory Council to assist in planning future sessions.
The Class of 2019 celebrated their graduation on May 22 at the National Transit Building in Oil City.
The participants worked on team projects over the last nine months and were able to present their findings to a group of their peers and supervisors ahead of the graduation celebration.
The three groups focused on the issue of workforce development, specifically in school-age children, through the lens of students, educators, and businesses. Their projects were all informative and thoughtfully done.
The graduation ceremony was held following the presentations, and many of the participants’ families joined them to celebrate their accomplishment.
See more photos HERE!
This article was published in the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce’s June 2019 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.