
Leadership Venango Class of 2020 Projects

Part of the Leadership Venango graduation requirements is participation in a group project determined by the class. Last year, the class decided on a theme of communication and divided into three groups focusing on youth, community, and business. Here’s what each group came up with:

Team Business: This group created the Venango County Small Business Resources Guide (pictured right). The guide is full of tips, resources, and contacts starting a business in Venango County. Their goal was to communicate to small business owners, or those looking to start a business, the opportunities and connections they can make right here.

Team Community: This group created a Communication Directory. It details all of the local platforms where you can access or share news and events. They noticed the community desired access to news and events, but didn’t always know where to get it.

Team Youth: This group was focused on how to better communicate with our youth. They realized the students at most local schools watch some form of morning announcements and came up with a plan and calendar to share job shadow opportunities during the announcements. Their plans were unfortunately put on hold when schools closed in March due to COVID-19.

To see the Small Business Resource Guide and Communication Directory, visit:

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