If you’re following our twitter feed you’ll recognize this quote that I tweeted yesterday: “A prime function of a leader is to keep hope alive” ~John W Gardner
Isn’t it funny how bits of wisdom find there way to us just when we need them, well at least sometimes. The week is barely underway and I have witnessed several (the word many might be more appropriate) leaders in our community who are keeping hope alive. My Facebook friends know that I began yesterday at the Child Development Centers, Inc talking with Rina Nerlich, a leader planting seeds of hope for our future. My evening ended with The local Lions Club, men who have truly spent a lifetime promoting hope and continuing to do so , many in their retirement years.
This morning, leaders from across the region met to discuss how our communities can work better together for the arts. Next it was on to meeting with new business leaders committed to creating a new vision for Oil City. Afternoon provided me the opportunity to visit with Lance Hummer, Keystone Community Education Council, who works to create educational programs critical to providing businesses and employees much needed training. Hope for the future of business!
My last stop of the day was yet another room full of business and community leaders, members of ICAP, Industry Community Advisory Panel, committed to doing business to the highest safety standards and providing accountablility through reports to community members.
Our community is full of leaders who keep hope alive for me, everyday!
You’re one of those leaders, Susan. You inspire everyone who knows you with your positive, can-do attitude, and your incredible commitment to the greater Oil City community.
I agree with Joe, you have inspire me to become a better person/leader. Thanks all you do!
Joe and Cinnamon, I appreciate the kinds words. I have had the good fortune to have been influenced by honest passionate mentors and continue to be overwhelmed by the commitment of those I work along side each day. But nothing inspires me like the hope of the future as I witness the younger members of our community who choose service over self. We have every reason to be hopeful.
Do you do anything except talk?
In response to the last post, I have given much thought. This is a question I have sometimes found myself asking, I’m sure along with many others. I often wonder if there isn’t too much talking and not enough doing. But to the specific question “Do you do anything except talk?” by C V, I must answer with “You bet!”
My first thought went to Joe C. Joe is familiar with our community but lives several states away. Plenty of talking went into preparing for his visit to Venango County, but once he arrived the talking ceased and the work began. In just a few years, hundreds of volunteers joined together more than 5 times to build community playgrounds across the region. Each was completed in less than 4 days. Not only did this result in vacant lots becoming safe places for children and families, but community members worked together to form long lasting bonds.
I think about Cinnamon E who I am confident would say there is way too much talking at times, but the goal is critical. Community members volunteer their time as CASA volunteers, appointed by judges to watch over and advocate for abused and neglected children, to make sure they don’t get lost in the overburdened legal and social service system or languish in an inappropriate group or foster home. I know several of these volunteers and their commitment is impossible to place a value on.
To my original post, I defer to those I referred to and those who have benefited from the actions these organizations to add their thoughts. I think each will agree that some days it seems like there’s too much talking, but it seems a necessary step to getting down to the business of really getting things done.
I’d enjoy hearing your thoughts…