
Healthy Start Series: Kicking Off 2023 Outdoors

written by Ivy Kuberry, Environmental Education Specialist at Oil Creek State Park

New Year Resolution season is upon us, and some of the most popular goals each year center around getting healthier. There are plenty of great ways to support your mind and body in 2023, but I’d like to make a case for good ole’ fashioned outdoor time. It can be difficult for many people to convince themselves to go outside in colder weather, but if you can get past the hurdle of stepping out your door, you likely won’t regret it.

We’ve got a saying in outdoor recreation circles that “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only poor clothing choices.” While that is not entirely true, wearing the right clothing can make or break an outdoor trip – especially in winter. Wear layers that you can remove or add to stay comfortable, and if you plan to be out long avoid wearing cotton socks. Cotton absorbs moisture, and wet socks make for cold feet! Switch to an insulating and moisture wicking material like merino wool if you can.

Venango County is full of gorgeous scenery, a variety of hiking and walking trails, and beautiful towns to stroll through. Grab a friend and use the time to socialize! Here are a few of my favorite places to explore in winter:
• Benninghoff Overlook at Oil Creek State Park, Gerard Hiking Trail
Two Mile Run County Park (roads or trails) to get a view of Justus Lake
• Kennerdell Tract of Clear Creek Forest • Out-and-back walk on the Justus, Sandy Creek, or Allegheny River Trails

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s January 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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