

Recently, Kat met with Heather Motter and Jai Hubler, who are spearheading the VenangoREADY program at Cranberry High School. They worked on mapping out speakers for the year to talk to students about the importance of the 6 VenangoREADY attributes. The school has built in designated time for all seniors to participate in VenangoREADY activities.

Pictured: CHS Language Arts Department Coordinator & Senior English Teacher, Heather Motter talking with Marc Lander Operations Manager for Klapec Trucking Company

VenangoREADY: Back to School in the Workplace

The 2023-2024 school year is just around the corner. As we prepare for the next class of VenangoREADY and ForestREADY designees, we also want to prepare businesses to best utilize this program.

Here are 6 ways your business can help:
1. If you employ students, ask them if they are familiar with VenangoREADY and if not, encourage them to inquire at their schools about how to register.
2. Keep an eye out for resumes with the program’s seal and designation, which indicate that a student has completed VenangoREADY lessons and exhibited work ready habits.
3. Hang up a poster with the 6 Attributes of a VenangoREADY worker in your business. (You can download at
4. Talk to your staff about the importance of the VenangoREADY program and discuss why these attributes are important to business and employee success.
5. Ensure seasoned employees are modeling these characteristics for those new to the workforce.
6. List your business as a supporter at If you have any questions or would like learn more about VenangoREADY, contact Kat at

Pictured right: Jake Hickman of Hickman Lumber, networking with teachers

Several local manufacturers partnered with the United Way of Venango County’s Summer Career Camp program. About 20 students in 6th to 12th grade were able to see the manufacturing industry in action and learn about local career opportunities.

Manufacturing week was just one of three camps offered through this program. The other two focused on Small Business and Healthcare. We love to see Employers and Education come together!

Pictured left: Bobbie Jones from Webco Industries

To learn more about the Chamber’s involvement in education, join our email list at: or view the education page at:

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s August 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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