
Cranberry Business Expo

The Cranberry Township Economic & Development Committee will host the fourth Cranberry Expo at the Cranberry Mall on Tuesday, March 19, from 5 to 8 p.m. Cranberry businesses and local non-profits will have table displays during the event, which is open to the public at no charge.

In addition to showcasing businesses, the expo provides the opportunity to network with Cranberry Township supervisors, committee volunteers, political candidates, and local officials. Each year, the Expo features a specific message for the Cranberry residents. This year, the Township will share the Senior Living Complex Master Plan. In addition, Erik Johnson, Senior Planner and County Recycling Coordinator with the Venango County Regional Planning Commission, will answer questions about the proposed Recycling Facility. The event will also run parallel to the Cranberry Mall Family Night.

“This is a unique opportunity for a Cranberry Business to get in front of the community in a one-stop event.  Even if your business doesn’t cater to the general walk-in clientele, this is a chance to let someone know what you do and what type of jobs might exist,” said Lisa Groner, Economic and Development Committee Member and Cranberry Expo Chairperson. “It is also an opportunity to let the community know you care and want to be a part of the community. It is a fun filled, educational evening for businesses and residents.”

If a Cranberry business would like to have a table display, at no charge, please contact the Cranberry Township Building to request a registration form by calling (814) 676-8812 by March 15.

The form can also be found on the Cranberry Township website at

This article was published in the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce’s March 2019 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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