
Bridges Out of Poverty Held in November

Venango County Human Services held a virtual version of Bridges Out of Poverty 2 with Jodi Pfarr on November 17th, with more than 200 attendees. 

Chamber President Susan Williams was among the attendees and shares how impactful the information shared was.

“Under normal circumstances, there are many in our community who are economically challenged. This year, many families will struggle with their basic needs and it is important that we all understand the impact this has on our community,” Susan shared.

“It’s critical for competent leaders and professionals in every field to know how their business or organization engages low-income and poor populations, how it can be of better service to them and how these populations impact their workforce and community. This goes for all our lawyers, our doctors, our engineers, our journalists, our politicians, our manufacturers, small businesses,  educators and so on.”

Leadership Venango programming will include a session on Bridges Out of Poverty as part of its December class. 

“Even as a Human Service agency, sometimes we forget how important it is to recognize poverty and how it is defined not only by a person, but to our community, schools and workplaces,” said Marie Plumer, Human Services Administrator. “Poverty does not have the same meaning for all people. Just the word poverty promotes an immediate image which is often false. I highly recommend everyone to take this course as it promotes building and strengthening local workforce as well as community.”

For more information visit the Venango County Human Series website at:

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s December 2020 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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