
Chamber Launches Be Here Initiative

The Venango Area Chamber of Commerce officially launched its Be Here Initiative at an event on Thursday, January 26, at Karma Coffee Co in Oil City. Be Here was created to attract and retain people and create an overall positive attitude of the area. People often have the perception that there are no jobs and Read More…

2016 Businesses and Partners in Business of the Year

Congratulations to the two Business of the Year and three Partner in Business of the Year Nominees!   The Business and Partner in Business of the Year luncheon will be held Wednesday, November 2, at noon at Wanango Golf Club (314 Chestnut Street, Reno). The price of the luncheon is $25 a person. Register online, Read More…

Lunch & Learn: FLSA Overtime Exemptions Final Ruling

FLSA Overtime Exemptions Final Ruling: Now What? THE FIRST SESSION IS FULL Second session: Wednesday, September 28 12PM Joy Global, Franklin Online registration at bottom of page SPONSORED BY: DALE WOODARD GENT LAW FIRM The Venango Area Chamber of Commerce and Bridge Builders Community Foundations are partnering to host a lunch seminar to help business and Read More…

Bike ‘n Brew Planning for 2016 OHF

Visit the Bike ‘n Brew webpage The Venango Area Chamber of Commerce and FLEX are teaming up to hold the first Bike ‘n Brew Fest, during the 39th Oil Heritage Festival, on Friday, July 22nd 2016. Planned for that day are bicycling activities in right in and around Oil City. There will be stations in Read More…

Oil Heritage Festival Bike ‘n Brew Planned

The invitations have gone out and details are progressing for the first annual Oil Heritage Festival Bike ‘n Brew. We are planning a day bicycling activities in right in and around Oil City throughout the day, during our 39th Oil Heritage Festival, on Friday, July 22nd 2016. We hope to establish stations downtown to educate Read More…