
Leadership Venango Accepting Applications

The 2019 2020 Leadership Venango Class will hold their kick off retreat on September 12 13, 2019, followed by monthly full day sessions through May of 2020. This program is a significant commitment of money and time. So, why should you consider investing in such an activity or encouraging someone else to do so? You Read More…

Summer as an Intern

Written by Heather Hondel and Jessica Wilson, 2019 Venango Chamber Interns Spending the summer working at the Venango Chamber has been a wonderful experience for the two 2019 interns. As their summer employment ends, they are reflecting on the lifelong lessons they will take with them. The Path Going into this experience there was a Read More…

How to Speak so that People Want to Listen

Our TED Talk recommendation this month is by Julian Treasure, whom provides guidance on speaking powerfully to make change in the world. He prefaces this by stating seven deadly sins of speaking, which are: gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying, and dogmatism. Julian goes on to provide four cornerstones to combat these sins, using the Read More…