
Ashley Takes Be Here to Events in the Community

Community involvement is essential to building strong relationships and creating a sense of belonging in any community. This is precisely why Be Here program manager, Ashley Smith, has been prioritizing setting up resource tables and speaking opportunities to share the Be Here mission. Engaging in community events is so important.

By attending events like the IAM Labor Retirees Union or supporting local farmers at the Scrubgrass Grange Hall, Be Here program manager Ashley Smith is demonstrating a commitment to community and setting a positive example for others to follow.

Also, by participating in events such as Venango County’s Recovery Day Celebration or speaking to Cranberry High School’s English class about following your passion, Be Here is helping to empower individuals to make meaningful contributions to their community and find their place within it.

Overall, community involvement is essential for building a thriving community, and Be Here is doing its part to make that happen.

If you know of any tabling events or speaking opportunities, please reach out to Ashley at or by calling the Chamber at (814) 676-8521.

This article was published in the Venango Chamber’s October 2023 VenangoWorks! Newsletter.

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