
Ahh…Oil Heritage Festival 2010

Once again I am in awe of the way a community pulls together and how individual volunteers give of their time.  We have just celebrated another Oil Heritage Festival. With more than a weeks worth of activities, at more than a dozen venues, this would have been impossible without the selfless gift of time given by many.  Gone are the days of large corporate sponsorships and company wide volunteer groups.  Projects now more closely resemble the grass roots efforts of the past.  This year we opted to try a few new events and some of the traditional events with new times.  We enjoyed the support of the community in making some scary changes.  Despite the continuous threat of rain and even a Saturday evening tornado warning, all went well, even better than well! Believe it or not, we have already been meeting and discussing next years festival.  And in another month we’ll be at it again for the Cranberry Festival.  So with that I’ll offer a huge “Thank You” to all those who volunteered, attended and supported us in anyway.  From Susan, Ashley and Abby…You’re the greatest!

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