
FLEX is What You Make It

Written by: Marissa Dechant

Come to FLEX events, and you’ll hear time and again, “FLEX is what you make it.” You can get involved as little or as much as you want—want to attend only networking events, only socials, or a mix of both? It’s up to you.

FLEX started out for me as a chance to make friends after returning to work in my hometown after college. I went to a coffee chat after meeting Venango Chamber program manager Ashley Cowles in March 2017, and yes it was awkward, and I only knew two people there, Ashley included. But it was a start.

IMG_0684-1I kept attending FLEX events, becoming a member in August 2017, and being asked to chair the Marketing and Community Partnerships committee for 2018. I became fast friends with Ashley and FLEX president Rachel Stiller (pictured on the right), not only within the group, but outside as well. We met up for coffee and brunch and even had a girls’ weekend in Pittsburgh. I also met my boyfriend Chett DeLong at the FLEX Annual Meeting last year, and he continues to be a staple in my life and the best person I know.

FLEX gave me the opportunity to create a social circle and flourish in Venango County, and several months ago, when Chett and I decided we wanted to thrive elsewhere, it helped me, too. I started looking for jobs in Pittsburgh in late August and continually made reference to my work with FLEX in cover letters and interviews. My employers at the job I landed were impressed with the marketing and leadership skills I learned through FLEX and asked that I utilize those talents at work.

For those young professionals who call Venango County home, I say take the opportunity to get involved in FLEX to whatever degree suits your schedule. It can give you a step up in more ways than you know.

Congratulations on the new job, Marissa! Thanks for being a huge part of FLEX the past two years!

This article was published in the Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs Exchange’s (FLEX) November 2018 edition of the FLEX Your Ideas (FYI) Newsletter.

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